Saturday, April 21, 2007

Quick Banker Jokes

Here's an excellent cocktail of quick BANKER jokes from for your weekend relaxation:

If bankers can count, how come the average bank has 10 windows and only four tellers?

Because if they were gone longer you would have to retrain them.

What do they call a Banker with half a brain?


What do you call 10 Bankers sitting in a circle?

Dope Ring.

How do you make a Banker laugh on Tuesday?

Tell a joke on Monday.

How many Bankers does it take to make chocolate chip cookies?

Sixteen. One to stir the dough and 15 to peel the M&Ms.

What did the Banker call his pet Zebra?


What is the difference between Big Foot and a socially responsible banker?

Big Foot has been sighted.

How do you confuse a Banker?

Give him a bag of M&M's and tell him to alphabetize them.

Two Bankers going to Disneyland saw a roadsign that said "Disneyland Left..."

so they turned around and went back home.

What did the Banker yell in an emergency?

"What's the number for 911?"

Why did the banker have tire tread marks across the back of his grey suit?

From crawling across the street when the sign said "Don't Walk."

(Photo credit:

Preview: Investment Banker On Life blog